Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Boys Are In School!!!

Both boys are now in public school. They started on Aug 17. Eddie and I have been on our break between terms at school for the last 2 weeks and go back Tuesday, Sep 1.

So far, both like their classes. I am enjoying Peter's entering high school and seeing all the new things that he is learning, especially in Latin. Ben is excelling in his courses as well, and has 2 computer based classes, computer applications and LEGO robotics.

I have been crafting a bit while on my "vacation." I am working on an afghan and a couple cross stitch pieces. Due to a whacky schedule at school, on Wednesdays, I will be bringing them with me to work on while waiting on Eddie to get out of class.

Hopefully, I will be able to update this blog more than once or twice a year from now on.

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